What is a Pentecostal Church?

It all started on the day of Pentecost. As instructed by Jesus they were to wait for the Holy Spirit to come and on the day of Pentecost the spirit came. The birth of the Christian faith, the new beginning as promised by Jesus – it all began on the day of Pentecost:
Glenn Duker
June 12, 2023
What is the day of Pentecost?

Historically, it is the feast of weeks or tabernacles. The day of Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Passover.

The Passover is the day when ancient Israel killed the sacrificial lamb and smeared its blood upon their door posts and lintels on the last night of their sojourn in Egypt.

Under the leadership of Moses, they hastily cooked the lamb and had a final meal before beginning their flight.

The purpose being that the angel of death would “passover” the houses smeared with the blood of the lamb and not enter to kill the firstborn as He surely would in every other dwelling in Egypt.

It was the Lord’s final act of judgment and recompense upon Pharaoh and his people for refusing to let the Israelites go.

Every year this is remembered and celebrated – up until Jesus’ time and on to the present day in Jewish culture.

Pentecost – literally “50”, is 50 days after the passover. In the Old Testament calendar this period is called the feast of weeks or the feast of tabernacles, celebrating the wheat harvest.

What happened on that day?

The faithful 120 who were waiting in Jersualem as Jesus instructed, all received the the Holy Spirit.

To fully understand what happened on the day of Pentecost, we must consider what happened at passover time. Jesus and his disciples held a “last supper” where he foretold the coming events.

There was His subsequent arrest, trial and crucifixion in accordance with the Passover pattern, Jesus being the perfect “lamb of God” slain for the sins of the world. The third day after his execution He rose from the dead and was publicly seen over the ensuing weeks by many hundreds of people.

During this time He instructed His disciples to wait in Jerusalem. He was going away but would come back and dwell inside them as “the comforter”.

On the 40th day he ascended to heaven before the witness of men and angels. Ten days later, on the day of Pentecost, the faithful 120 waited in the upper room and all received the wonderful infilling or baptism of the Holy Spirit.

It came with a sound like a “rushing mighty wind’” and they all spoke in tongues. God’s power was now literally living inside them. This was – and remains – the Pentecostal experience.

Why is it the beginning of the Christian Church?

In short, it was the first time the infilling of the Holy Spirit was poured out, dwelling within people.

One of the last things Jesus told his disciples before His ascension was that You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

After the fulfilment at Pentecost, they began to teach, preach and minister with authority, signs and wonders – much like Jesus Himself.

The Christian church had truly begun and it spread like wild fire!

This experience is still available today and in fact has spread like fire across the globe throughout the two millenia since and particularly in the 20th century and beyond.

Churches which teach this are known as “Pentecostal” churches.

Can you experience the day of Pentecost?

An integral part of the good news of the gospel is that this same experience given 2000 yrs ago is available today.

So, the day of Pentecost, that most magnificent day, marked the very beginning of Christianity as the very word Christian means “Christos” (Greek), anointed, meaning filled with the spirit. m<any Many Christians are today being baptized in the Holy Spirit in this way.

Just as the day of Pentecost took place 2000 years ago when God poured his spirit on 120 faithful people, the same experience is available to you, today.

This is a very real and tangible experience and it is available to all that ask and keep on asking. The Holy Spirit will transform your life and it is a free gift from God. We encourage you to seek God: he is faithful and just and he will fill you with his spirit. There need be no delay. Let today be the day!

In Summary

A Pentecostal church is comprised of people who have experienced the power of God, like on the day of Pentecost. The baptism of the Holy Spirit (with the evidence of speaking in tongues) and miracles, including miraculous healings, will be hallmarks of such.

Reach out to us today by completing the contact form and we would be happy to talk to you more about God’s great plan for you and to assist you in receiving the  infilling of the Holy Spirit.

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